My bucket list is full of places to visit and things to try, but I have to say that skydiving has always been at the top of it. While the thought of jumping out of a perfectly good airplane might seem a little crazy, the feeling of freefall is something that has long intrigued me. What is it like? Do you feel like you’re falling? flying? or both?

I had often heard that skydiving feels more like you’re floating in air than actually falling and I would agree. For the first second you feel that drop in your stomach as if you just jumped off a high platform, but after that, it’s like you are floating. Essentially, you are flying. It’s a feeling like no other. It gives you a huge rush of adrenaline yet also a feeling of complete freedom.

I think that one of the biggest reasons that I waited so long to skydive was because I wanted to do it in the perfect location. Being such a visual sport, I knew that the scenery would play a big role in the experience. So when the chance to skydive in Hawaii presented itself, I knew I had to “jump” at the opportunity. I’m so glad that I did. The view of Oahu’s North Shore was absolutely amazing. The freefall lasted just under a minute and it was around an additional seven minutes under the parachute. Coming in to land, we could see turtles swimming close to shore. It was perfect!

Skydive Hawaii is located at Dillingham Airfield on Oahu’s North Shore. It is often referred to as “The World’s Most Beautiful Dropzone” and certainly lives up to that reputation. I was very pleased with their facility and entire staff. I would highly recommend Skydive Hawaii whether it’s your first jump or just one to add to your log book. The whole experience was unforgettable and the view is just as memorable.

Many thanks to Skydive Hawaii for making my first jump one that I will never forget. All opinions, as always, are my own.
Skydiving is so amazing!! We both jumped for the first time over Lake Taupo in New Zealand when we started our current 2+ year trip in February. It was amazing and we are both now addicted. Planning our next jump as we speak!! The scenery in Hawaii is stunning in your photos, a pretty cool place for a skydive. Cheers!
Thanks Lina. It was such a great experience and something that I will never forget. Safe Travels!
I am thoroughly jealous first that you were able to go skydiving and second that you went skydiving in Hawaii!! I’ve always wanted to do something like this. I am surprised, though, that it was such a short thing. You said about 10 minutes? Were you scared to go at first or did you take classes that helped you prepare? Overall, would you say that it was worth it? The pictures sure make it look like it was. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Hi Meg,
Yes, it was definitely worth it. You’re jumping out of an airplane, so when you consider that, ten minutes isn’t such a short time period. I was a little scared on the plane ride up, but after the initial jump I was fine. No classes for tandem, just a quick briefing of what to do upon exciting the plane and free fall. It was amazing! You must try it. =)
My bucket list is ready to start, thanks to your inspiring trips. I’ve wanted to skydive forever and am ready to take the challenge.