One of my favorite movies of all time is the original Predator starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. “Get to da Choppa!” You know the line! As a kid, I loved hiking and being out in the woods and the whole concept of this film was fascinating to me. Pretending that there was an actual Predator out there looking for us, kept me and my friends busy for hours.

As I got older, I started researching where exactly this movie was filmed. As it turns out, much of it was shot just 30 minutes south of the Mexican beach town of Puerto Vallarta. The old set lies in a lush green jungle, which is now part of the leisure complex, El Eden. So upon learning this, of course I had to grab my passport and make the trip down south!

El Eden is an amazing place! Regardless of your love for the Predator franchise, its remote location in the jungle make it an experience to be had. There are zip lines, hiking trails, and even a restaurant that you will recognize if you’re a true fan of the movie. One of the coolest things is that the actual helicopter which was used in the film is still there to this day.

So if you find yourself in Puerto Vallarta, I would definitely take some time to explore the Predator set. It’s great fun for the entire family and if you’re a real fan, it is a MUST SEE!
– Be sure to check out my video of the experience below –
I like this post, enjoyed it a lot. Thanks for putting it up.